
Monday, June 12, 2017

Momisms- New Definitions for Common Words

Being a mom has laughable moments that may confound some people, but there are other moms who understand because they've been there, done that.

Today, I've decided to be witty and hopefully funny by making up a bunch of definitions that I call "Momisms". I how you get them and also enjoy them.

    I hope that these were able to make you laugh! Which Momisms do you have in your household?


  1. Those were cute! Can't wait to have my own isms once ian is old enough or Jocelyn.

  2. This is so true. Im cracking up

    1. I thought of a couple more!

      Using the bathroom: at home it's a family reunion, everyone wants to be there. In public, the kids can't wait to escape the stall while your pants are down.

      Come here- please run away from me.

      There was another one I just told Craig and can't remember for the life of me. He doesn't remember either...

    2. I just remembered!

      Bath- something your child fights you to get out of, but once in, you can't get them out.


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