
Monday, June 19, 2017

The Importance of a Youth Group Worker

An article was shared on Facebook about my one of my cousins and her youth group ministry a while ago. Since becoming the youth group pastor, her teen group has grown quickly. In the article she mentions modeling her youth group after a 2008 booklet, "Sustainable Youth Ministry".

 One of the main ideas is that for every child, there should be many adults who care for them.

This idea is so phenomenal if you really think about it because there are so many children in this world who don't have anyone to care for them the way that they should be cared for emotionally.

My Story

When I was growing up, my grandma was the only person in our family who attended church on a regular basis and also lived by example as the way that Christ lived. When I was in grade school, I remember her taking me and my sisters to church on Wednesday nights to participate in Caravans- some churches call them Awanas. It's basically like the downplayed version of church boy/girl scouts. Each week, we would learn about Jesus, but on the side, we would also do different things to earn badges.
Going to church, even on Wednesday nights, provided a fun opportunity to go out and have fun, then afterwards, Grandma would take us to get McDonald's for dinner or ice cream.
Regrettably, I was the naughty child of the group and thankfully, the group leader would stick by me even though I would start fights and could be down right mean to them. No one ever told me not to come back and for that, I'm grateful and I did learn to control my angry emotions, eventually.

Going to church in the beginning was often sporadic. It wasn't really until my later years in Jr. High that I attended regularly. I hadn't fully grasped the concept of what it meant to be a Christian but the adults all listened to what I had to say and showed each and everyone of us that attended each Wednesday and now Sunday that teenagers do go through things. They were the same things that the helpers went through. They were able to help guide us, but more importantly, they genuinely cared about us.
When I was in High School, my mom began to go to church and then my other grandma would go. My sisters and I joined Bible Quizzing and participated in everything that we could. The Bertolozzi name began to be known and I just remember adults from all over the congregation saying hello or tell me that they were always praying for us. People from the church were investing themselves into our lives- into my life!

The summer between the end of my Sophomore and beginning of my Junior year, I had the awesome opportunity to go to Texas for NYC which was a large convention for the youth in the Nazarene church. This was when I learned what it was like to live for Christ and when my life began to turn around. I began to have more patience. I learned that it was better to talk instead of hit, to listen instead of argue.

My life isn't perfect by any means, but because of the youth group workers who invested in my life, I chose to live my life a little better each day to try my best at being a good wife, mother, and to raise my kids to know love like how Jesus loves us.

Concluding Thoughts

My challenge to you is this; if you attend a church and don't already, volunteer to help out with your youth group or help teach Sunday school. I have had so many rewarding experiences working with our youth group and seeing the kids grow and getting the opportunity to build relationships with them.

If working with kids isn't something that interests you, pray for them. Not every child lives in a happy two parent home. Some live in unhappy homes with two parents or live in a happy single parent home. Sometimes, you are the only adult that can help mediate things. Maybe some kids have something that they need to say, but don't know how to. You can be the person who helps. You can be one of the people in this child's life who shows they care.

    Did you have anyone who invested in you that made you a better person today?




  1. Brittany, thank you for sharing this. When I was growing up, we moved a few times (& to other states), so my church experience has been varied & valuable in forming my belief system. When my children were growing up, I was a volunteer Sunday School & Bible School teacher & director. I wanted them to have a basis of understanding & faith that would help them when they experience other versions of Christianity & other religions. It helped me as much as it helped them. When the children were young, we had a Mother's Morning Off group at church as well. 1 day a week, we took turns watching the kids in the church nursery while the other mothers could have some free time (using the term loosely, since they were usually doing family errands). It created a bond with all of the mothers plus we all came to know each other's children. A wonderful time in our lives. :) Peg R

  2. I made great friends from youth group and I feel good knowing that my kids have a place to go to to be safe and for the most part, I won't have to worry too much about their friends.

  3. This is a great read. We were pretty blessed to have great youth workers who invested in us. What a blessing. I hope they know how much they touched our lives.

  4. Our youth group was huge. I totally blame our awesome youth group workers. Ive heard its A LOT smaller now.

  5. I don't know if there is a pastor for the youth group or not. There weren't many helpers when I was helping.


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