
Thursday, August 24, 2017

Mom Pledge

Dear Kids,

        This year, I pledge to check your back packs every night for homework for at least the first month. It will be your responsibility to bring things home and to inform me when you have homework or things to sign. When you do have homework, I will help, but will not do your homework. I will try not to yell when you are refusing to try. I will, instead try to encourage you and ask helpful questions to get you to think and remember what you learned in school that day. I will try to sit you down each night and encourage you to read. I will try to not yell in the mornings, but you have to not give me a reason to. We will work together as a team and as you get older, you will do more things for yourself so that you can do them someday without me. I will learn to give you more responsibilities within your abilities so that I'm not overwhelmed all of the time. A happy mommy has a happy family.
          At dinner time, I will try to serve a variety of foods and not the same things every weeks. Together we will try new things whether or not we think that they are yucky. A well balanced diet leads to healthy kids. At night, we will strive to keep bedtime at a regular acceptable time and I will try to incorporate devotions like we used to do. If I am unable to do as listed above, daddy will be able to take over.

                                                                                                    Your mom

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