
Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Are You a Worried Yeller?

     I'm a naturally loud speaker, but when I get worried, I speak even louder. I'm guilty of this every time my kids lose a pair of glasses or when something happens that wasn't planned. My husband accuses me of yelling, but I tell him that I'm not, I'm just excited.

      It's not enough that I'm already worried about something, I end up getting into a frenzy. Glasses are lost? Obsess over it until they are found. Talk loudly at the dog, talk loudly at the kids and hubby, and frantically tip over things in search of them. I mean, I'm not yelling if it isn't directed at them, right? Ok, so maybe I am yelling.

       It's not like yelling, I mean- talking loudly, is helping. I often find out that when I take a breath to become calm and say a little prayer that the thing that caused the loud talking reappears after reassessing the situation.

        When I'm in the car and I know I'm late, I talk louder. If a car cuts me off and I tell the other car that they are an idiot, I'm not yelling at my husband, I'm talking loudly about the other car. For some reason, though, he thinks I'm yelling at him and asks me to stop. I then will ask him if he's the person that just cut me off and when he says no, then I tell him that I'm not yelling at him.

       I wish there was something that I could do to avoid yelling... I mean "talking loudly" but it happens when I'm worried.....I mean, I have tried singing it out like an opera singer, but my family just thinks I'm crazy.

      Are you a worried yeller? How do people react? What do you do to change it?


  1. Hmmm.... I don't worry or get upset, e v e r, so I really can't offer you any advice, lol. JK/JK- no really, I think I pray & clean obsessively when I become angry or worried.

    1. I pray once I hear that small voice in my head rhat says I'm being irrational. I'm afraid that it isn't always the first think I think to do, but at some point I hear God say, "Hey, listen up! It's going to be ok. You'd notice if you kept your voice down."

  2. It’s rough to be a worrier. But Godtells is not too. It’s a work in progress. I think my husband can share some of these descriptors. :) I love you sister.

  3. I'm always amazed when I stop to take a breath and pray and all of a sudden I get this idea to look in a closet or under the bed and there that thing is.


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