
Sunday, July 29, 2018

I'm a Mom Who Plays Dungeons and Dragons


    I wasn't really a nerd-type person when I was growing up, but I always enjoyed things that were considered nerdy. I liked to play video games like Ages of Empires or hack and slash games even though they always made me feel sick from all the motion. I also liked to write fictional stories with my friends. We had a made up alphabet that we used when we passed notes and created a land called Freesia that had fairies and elves.


     So.... When I got the chance to play games with actual adults, we started to play D&D. My first player was a half Elf Bard who liked to sing and dance and act out scenes. We have since changed campaigns and I'm now a Tabaxi- which is a cat- humanoid who like shiny objects and learning new things. 

      If you've ever played D&D or any other roll playing game, there is usually a world map involved as well as little game pieces that are used to be your character. While everyone usually choses a figure that resembles their character like this: 

This is the one that I've chosen to work with:

     It's Pikachu and he's adorable!!! While he may not be a cat person, he certainly looks like he has a cat personality. If I don't get to use him, I feel down and am sad if I have to choose a different figurine to play with. 

      So.... that happens a bit because this is my son's toy. He takes great pleasure in hiding Pikachu from me... Sometimes, I hide him from him. It's pretty childish, isn't it? Here I am, a grown woman, hiding my kid's toys just so I can play with him later. (I'm laughing as I type this)

      I've heard of parents hiding snacks from their children and this isn't the same thing. Shame on me!

How many moms or dads out there play D&D? Do you improvise with your characters? Do you have to hide things from your kids? 


  1. Hahaha! You’re silly! Pikachu is cute. It would be fitting that your character would sing and dance and act out! That’s you! Haha

    1. Once I showed him how perfect Pikachu would be for my character, he's been letting me use him. haha. Before, he'd evily snicker and say, "Mom, do you know where Pikachu is?" Then fly out of the room.

  2. I have never played D&D . . . I don't think I have the patience haha. My friends and I do love board games though. We are always trying new ones out!

    1. As long as your party is about three people, the game can go by quickly. Any more, then it feels like your turn happened an hour ago.

  3. I love that you're a D&D mom! So fun!

    1. We haven't played in about a month and I'm starting to go through withdrawal. It's always great to have fun with good people.

  4. That is so fun! I used to love playing that, I may need to try it again!!

  5. My daughters would love it if I played this with them! We honestly don't have many games the entire family is into right now. But that's also a reflection of our daughters being six years apart with completely different interests.

    1. My boys both have similar interests, right now, but my daughter doesn't. She gets left out a lot, so we have to do our own thing, together.

  6. I play D& D and am a Mom, My kids are finally old enough for me to run a game for them... we love it. It's good bonding with them and seeing their creativity. Also, when my oldest daughter was going through a box of toys she said "Oh Mom... you got me a pikachu" I had to answer "yes dear (10years before you were born)" I hide stuff from my kids all the time so I can play with them.

    1. This is so awesome! It's nice to meet someone who gets it. haha.

  7. I play D&D and am a Mimi. My kids are grown and I have 6 grandkids. I play D&D with 3 of my grandkids, my oldest and youngest children, my son-in-law, my fiance, and my son's girlfriend. We play every week at my daughter's. The grandkis are ages 6, 8 and 11 and they love playing the game. They love wven more that we all play with them.

  8. My mom and uncle started playing video game version of D&D (Neverwinter Nights, Baulder's Gate etc) back around 2002.. and then my Unc became a GM/Host and my Mom was a DM, then she took over the server as host. I started off and on in 2004 and around 2008 became a full time DM, then in 2011, I became the GM/Host. All the while my son was 14 in 2002 when he was allowed to join the server because he had parental supervision. Now he's 28, and a DM as well. But remember, in our house We roll for initiative for many many things.. lol :-)


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