
Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Let's Talk About Music!

    Music is a very powerful thing; I don't think that's a statement that anyone can deny unless they were a psychopath who has no emotions. Studies have been made, articles have been written, and tests have established so many positive things about music. It can lift your mood or make you feel sad. Music can help you remember things and can even improve your health. Music is powerful.

Check out this Article
Or this one
Or even this one if you want to call bull on me. I don't know if they're all facts or just randomly written blogs like mine, but it should count for something that other people have written about music.

     Music, to me, is magic. It improves my mood, it steadies me, and more recently, it has amazed me more than it has ever before. I listen to my kids as they play and they are developing their own musical tastes. They are picking up songs that I listen to and they are singing them. I realize that they are making memories. Long after I'm gone, they're going to hear a song and they are going to think of me. I know this because every weekend, my dad would wake us (my sisters and I) up with the sounds of his 60s, 70s, 80s, and the hits of 90s and early 2000s. Those were happy mornings where we would all dance and sing and when I hear one of those songs, I get taken back. (Thanks Mary J. Blige)

     Music is also inspiring and one of the bands that has inspired me most has been my favorite band Lifehouse. It has always baffled me that they aren't more recognized. They've had many top hits and their songs have been featured in popular sitcoms including Grey's Anatomy and have made a song appearances in Vampire Diaries, and one very popular song in Smallville. I could list all of my favorite songs, but that would take all day. So here are two of their songs that I love that I don't think get enough credit.

Who is your favorite band and what songs have inspired you?


  1. I love music too! I agree that music is good for your health. I know that my husband uses music when he is stressed out. I use music when I’m tired and have to drive (and that is good for my health;)) when I worked in an Alzheimer’s unit music helped bring back memories for those patients, settle then down when they were anxious and even sometimes would help a patient to talk! Pretty powerful.

    1. I didn't know that you worked in an Alzheimer's unit. That's pretty cool!


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