
Wednesday, August 15, 2018

I Love You. Goodnight, My Sweet Baby Boy



Generally speaking, I don't really write poetry except for when I'm writing children's stories. I feel like I'm putting myself out here by sharing this, although, I suppose that I put myself out there everyday with every blog post that I publish, but poetry is something different. 

      Here is something I wrote, tonight. It came to me when I was praying and asking for inspiration for a blog post. Before I said, "Amen" his incident I had with my youngest came to mind and verses were written. I hope you all enjoy it and feel free to share if it inspires you!

I Love You, Goodnight, My Sweet Baby Boy

It’s time to tuck you in and prayers are said.
You snuggle close and tight, as I kiss you goodnight.
“Don’t go mommy! Please stay a while.
“I’ve got to go!” I say and give him a smile.
I close the door and head to my room.
Netflix comes on and through it I zoom.
I zoom through the shows and pick one I’ve already seen.
I watch Grey’s once again and ignore the clothes that need cleaned.
Slowly the door creeks open and I let out a groan.
“What are you doing in here?” I check the time on my phone
“I can’t sleep without you. Can I sleep in your bed?”
“Fine, come on up here and lay still,” I patted his head.
He snuggles close and tight into the crook of my arm
He says to me, “I love you, mommy. Wow, you’re really warm.”
The show resumes and a stuffed pterodactyl lands on my chest.
I give it back to him and say, “Don’t you need him to rest?”
“No, mommy, I don’t. He was giving you a hug.”
He put him back where he was, my heart strings were tugged.
Thank you baby! That was really sweet. I’ll hold on to your toy.
I love you. Goodnight, my sweet baby boy.

I hope that you enjoyed this poem. Here is the link if you'd like to share it from a more direct source. I Love You. Goodnight, My Sweet Baby Boy


  1. Aw! Treasure these sweet moments with your baby boy!

    1. Even though he's 4 now, he's still my little baby. I hope these will be little moments I remember forever.

  2. My oldest son is 6 and he is still my baby and we share moments like this.. I call him my "big baby" lol. Such a sweet poem.

    1. Thank you! I don't think there is an age limit for calling your baby baby.

  3. So sweet and innocent. You wrote it very well.

  4. Beautiful. Enjoy it while you still can. Before you know it he will be grown and off to college.

  5. Beautiful. Enjoy it while you still can. Before you know it he will be grown and off to college

  6. Aww, this is so sweet! Now that I'm a grown-up, I miss sharing moments like this with my parents. It's nice to be "babied" sometimes!

    1. When you have kids, they baby you right back. Whenever I'm dressed or emotional, they help take care of me with hugs and kisses.

  7. So sweet! Thank you for sharing this poem. :)

  8. Awe, I love this. What a beautiful poem! You wrote all of that tonight!?!? Impressive!

  9. He is so cute!! And your poem is very beautifully written.

  10. Awe this reminds me so much of what I go through every night with my daughter. So sweet. Love those cuddles

  11. Awe. Motherhood at its finest. Such sweet moments.

    1. Almost every moment is precious. I say almost. Because I can do without the tantrums.

  12. A mother son relationship is such an amazing bond. I love this poem and I really get it!

  13. This is indeed a touching and lovely poem. It almost got me to tears. Your boy would absolutely love this."

  14. Wow, this is such a beautiful poem and everything you said is so sweet. Such a beautiful bond of a mother to his / her child. I really like this poem.

  15. That is such a sweet poem. I love to cuddle with my kids at night too. This describes exactly how kids are at night.

    1. It isn't bedtime if you haven't heard, "Can I have a drink" 100 times and requests for goodnight hugs 2348 times.

  16. This brings back memories of when our boys were this small! It's been ages.

    1. I hope you still have good relationships with them!

  17. Sooooo Beautiful. Enjoy it while you still can. My son grew up and I have no idea where those year went....

    1. My oldest is going to be 9 and it's so hard to believe how fast the time has come. In another year, he'll be a preteen. So weird!

  18. This is absolutely adorable! I enjoyed reading this sweet poem

  19. This is great! You should definitely share poetry, it's very relatable.

  20. That is so sweet. You should always cherish your child. My daughter is growing up so fast I have to look back and reminisce over time to when she was a baby.

  21. My youngest is the sweetest little guy. He's always giving hugs and kisses and maki g sure we know he loves us.

  22. Sweet poem:) I said today to my son that he always will be my little boy no matter what :) I love to kiss him, hug him. We could cuddle all day long :)

    1. Thank you! My oldest doesn't snuggle like he did when he was little and I miss it.

  23. Such a beautiful and heart touching poem. As a kid I was more or less the same just like your kid

  24. Awww...I love your poem! Mom moments are the most amazing things ever! My son is 27 now and still my baby!

  25. What a lovely little poem. The love we have for our kids is so amazing, I couldn't imagine life without mine x

    1. They have such a huge capacity for love, too. Thanks for commenting!

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