
Friday, October 26, 2018

Green Stuff-Jello Salad

Several months ago, I was trying out the macro diet, which was something I had only just learned about the week I started doing it. Long story short, the macro diet consists of trying to reach your daily fat, fiber, carb and protein intake. I was easily getting in my carbs and fats, but was having a difficult time reaching my protein goals.

One day I looked up foods with high protein and found out that cottage cheese was one of them. I like cottage cheese alright, but I was having a difficult time eating it plain. I was glad when I remembered something that my grandma always makes for Thanksgiving that I absolutely loved. Green stuff!

What exactly is Green Stuff, you ask? I'm not really sure what the official name of it is, we've just always called it Green Stuff, but it's kind of like a Sea Foam salad, but much easier to make. For this recipe, we usually use lime Jello and add canned pears or pineapple, but today, I've changed the recipe up a bit in the pictures. 


1 24 oz container of cottage cheese
1 8 oz container of whipped topping (It has to be from a tub or it won't set right.)
1 3oz packet of lime flavored gelatin
1 can crushed pineapples or pears (drained)(optional)
1/2 cup of crushed pecans or walnuts (optional)


Mix container of cottage cheese with flavored geletin until.
Once mixed, fold in whipped topping.
Mix in fruit and nuts.

You can either eat it as is or put it into the fridge for it to solidify and then serve that way.

This recipe is so versatile, too. For the pictures, I used strawberry jello, pecans, and sliced strawberries. You can make your jello salad with any flavor and still find a good combination.

So what do you think? Is this something that you think you'd want to try? I know that it seems weird, especially since it's a sweet dessert with cottage cheese, but many good desserts and salads are made with cream cheese and really, the only difference is that the cottage cheese is in curds instead of blended smoothly.


  1. This is a quick easy variable recipe. I like it! We love green stuff at holiday meals. :)

  2. Jello Salad? That's new to me, LOL

    1. I really don't know why it's called a salad... there I clearly no lettuce involved in it. lol.

  3. I would try this. I try to watch my macros and am always looking to find ways to increase my protein intake!

    1. If you use the sugar-free jello and light whip cream, the calories are pretty low.

  4. This sounds so easy to follow and I think it's really delicious too! Would love to try this out :)

    1. It's so easy and you can pair it with anything. Don't have lime jello, but have blue raspberry,ok, pair it with blue berries.

  5. I wish I could say I would make this but I have a serious aversion to cottage cheese in any way, shape or form. I know people love it but it comes down to texture and flavor for me.

    I do think this is a genius way to incorporate protein into a dessert. How much of an impact does the "Green Stuff" have overall in your Macro Diet?

    1. When I did the macro diet, I would eat about two servings and that gave me 26 grams of protein, so that helped me with that.

      Honestly though, I didn't do the diet for very long because there was a lot of counting in it and it got tedious.

  6. I would have never thought of this! Very interesting recipe!


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