
Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Valentine's Day Movie Picks

Valentine's day is almost here and for moms and dads, it's not always realistic that you'll get to do something with your love, if you have a love. However, even if you have no one to celebrate the day with or if you're too busy to go out and do something, or you have the kids at home with you, there is always something that you can do to make the day feel special.

That's watching your favorite love movies.

I've compiled a list of movies with my favorites and some of my friend's favorites. Enjoy!

This post contains ads and Amazon affiliate links which means that should you purchase from one of these links, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. All movies are recommended by me or a friend and are our honest picks.

My Picks

P.S. I Love You- This movie is super sweet, super sad, and has Gerard Butler in it. Make sure you have a box of tissues lying around if you're going to watch this pick.

The Wedding Date- It's always awful when you have to be somewhere like a family gathering and you don't have a date to bring with you. Watch as Debra Messing solves this problem after she hires a very personal escort. 

Laws of Attraction- Sometimes, you get too busy with your life and career to remember to date and fall in love. Then, out of nowhere, it happens. 

My Big Fat Greek Wedding- Sometimes, your family gets a little too involved in your love life. They mean well, but you can't always choose who you fall in love with and when you do fall in love, hopefully, your family will approve. 

Leap Year- Sometimes you just need to take fate into your own hands and make your love story happen. When that special guy is just taking his time, you gotta do what you gotta do.

No Reservations- I am a huge Catherine Zeta Jone's fan and this is one of my favorites. There's romance and sadness, so keep your tissues around. 

Warm Bodies- My husband and I saw this Zombie love film for Valentine's Day. I'm not one who usually enjoys Zombie films, but I loved this one. 

Darci's Picks

Valentine's Day- If the special day is in the title, it should be worth looking into, right? Plus,with all the stars in this movie, one of them is probably a favorite. This movie was a very popular pick because Julie chose it too!

Dirty Dancing- No one puts Baby in the corner. This classic is sure to bring you back and make you feel emotional. Do you remember your first love or romance?

The Notebook- Sometimes you think that you know what you want and it aligns with what your family wants, but then you find out that what you want is someone totally different, but you're not right for each other and yet, you can't shake the feeling that you are still meant to be together. Oh yeah, with this two film feature, including The Lucky One (my pick) you'll also get to appreciate how grown up Zac Efron got. 

Chris's Picks

The Princess Bride- This is probably one that my husband would pick. Yes, it's a love story, but there is also comedy and adventure in it as well. If you watch this movies and you've never seen it before, you'll have an "aha" moment when you realize that all of those movie quotes that you've heard repeated so many times before, come from THIS movie.

Notting Hill-  This movie is probably the reason why I love the song "Ain't No Sunshine". You'll love this movie and get upset with Julia Roberts and then love her all over again when you watch this movie. 

Desperado- I've never seen this movie, but maybe I should since I see that Antonio Banderas is in it. What do you think of this movie?

Much Ado About Nothing- This is another movie that I've never heard of and I think that it's probably a shame and it's definitely something that I do want to watch because it's from what the review says, it's a Shakespeare play and many of the actors and actresses are ones that I like. 

Die Hard 2: Die Harder- Ok, I feel that this Die Hard is probably an answer that any guy would give. I've yet, again, haven't seen this particular movie, but it has to be good because Die Hard has a saga or something like that. Look how cute Bruce is with hair!

Laura's Picks

Ever After- This is my all time favorite movie. I would definitely watch this version of Cinderella for Valentine's day, but I was waiting for someone else to pick it. 

The Proposal- There is nothing that helps you fall in love faster than forcing another person to marry you so you can stay in the United States... Unless those two people are Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds- Just looking at them could easily help the process along. 

Definitely Maybe- This is another Ryan Reynolds movie. I'm beginning to wonder if he ever ages because he looks the same. This is another great movie to watch, but when you're a parent and watching this, you're like, "Should he be telling his daughter all of these things?" This is the story of a dad telling his daughter how he met her mother by giving him three different love scenarios and having her guess which one belonged to her.

Natilee's Picks

Just Friends- Nothing says romance than being friends without benefits and being put in the friend zone. This is yet, another Ryan Reynolds film and he does look a lot younger, I suppose than he did in the other two films. This is also one of Stephanie's picks.

Holiday in Handcuffs- I think my sister may be just a bit weird. This movie is a Christmas movie about a woman who basically kidnaps a man to bring home to her parents so she doesn't look like a spinster lady. Eventually, they fall in love. I wasn't able to find it by itself, so if you want to buy it, you can buy it in a multi-pack!

Stephanie's Picks

When Harry Met Sally- It's been a really long time since I've seen this movie, so I don't really remember too much about it. It does have Meg Ryan in it and for a while, she was America's sweetheart. 

Pride and Prejudice- I was introduced to this movie ten years ago in college. I didn't think much of it at first, but now it's one of my favorites. Jane Austen's book has been made into many adaptations, but this one is one of the best!

She's the Man- This one is awkward and funny. It's one of Channing Tatums first roles and he captured many teenage hearts with this movie. Watch Amanda Bynes as she crossdresses and confusingly wins the heart of Channing Tatum.


Have a Wonderful Valentine's Day!

Here were just a few of my friend's and family's favorite movies to watch on Valentine's day. I really hope that you enjoy them and I hope that you're looking forward to Valentine's day this year! 

What are your favorite Valentine's Day movies?
What do you like to do for Valentine's Day?


  1. I pretty much all of these movies! I can’t believe I didn’t think of holiday in handcuffs probably because inwatch it around Christmas. But woot woot! Good to be reminded.

    1. I love most of the ones that are in here. Some I haven't seen, yet.

  2. Laura ... Ryan Reynolds much???

    For me, anything Patrick Swayze, Sam Elliot, Tom Hanks, or Sandra Bullock is a winner in my book.

    Any of these on Netflix or Hulu ... (See I can be pulled into the 21st century!)

    1. I think a couple of 5hem are, I just don't remember which ones. Sorry!

  3. All of these are classic romantic movie options. I love the romantic comedy choices the most.

  4. This is such a great round up and some of my all time favourites! I love the variety in your selection! There is a movie for every taste for sure!

    1. Thanks! I wanted to get some more ideas from the men, but most didn't want to admit to liking love movies. haha.

  5. I love the random throw in of die hard - christmas movie and now a romantic movie haha. Some really good choices in there!

  6. Definitely maybe is one of my favorites! I watch it every year. I never thought of it as a Valentine’s Day movie but it might just be the one I watch this year!

    1. Sometimes, a Valentine's day movies just needs to make you laugh!

  7. These are all such great movies! I love how many Ryan Reynolds movies you have on the list. :) What parents don't make a movie after the kids are in bed a date once in awhile? Great idea for a list. Thanks!

    1. Other's have spoken and they say that they love Ryan Reynolds!

  8. I can't believe how many of these movies I haven't seen yet! I have definitely found that I watch fewer "chick flicks" as I get older, but some of these are just great classics (The Princess Bride!!)

    1. There were some that I haven't seen as well. I love the chick flicks, but I have't made much time to catch up on them.

  9. Amazing suggestions! I think will go with Notting Hill, it is such a good movie.


  10. These are all great picks. I watched Leap Year recently and I thought it was hilarious.

  11. I haven't watched most of these movies! I put it on my notes and will make time to see all of every movie.

  12. I don't think I would have thought to watch Die Hard or Desparado for Valentine's Day. Interesting picks. I do love When Harry Met Sally. I've watched it so many times I can say the lines with the movie.

    1. The first two movies were picked by a man, haha. My sister loves When Harry Met Sally. I think I've only watched it once and don't really remember it. :(

  13. I needed this post last weekend! We were looking for a movie and we ended up watching an awful one. I would totally have watched P.S. i love you

    1. Oh I hate watching terrible movies! I'm the type of person who has to finish them after I started them and keep waiting for it to get better and then am so disappointed when it doesn't.

  14. Wow! What a great movie list! The notebook is my favorite. perfect for my weekend

  15. These are some great picks. My wife's favorite movie is True Romance, which is more of an action movie. My Big Fat Greek Wedding is so funny!

  16. I am sort of grateful that you compiled this list. I say "sort of" because romance movies have bored me to tears in the last several years. I want to give it another go thoug...

    1. I haven't felt like Hollywood has made very good romantic movies in a long time. Many of these suggestions are from years ago.

  17. PS I Love You is my go to romantic film - I love it so much x

  18. This is such a great round up and some of my all time favorites! My Big Fat Greek Wedding is so funny!

  19. Nice list, I'll be sure to send this through to MrsFrugalSamurai so we can send a cozy rainy afernoon in hahaha

    1. I hope you two will be very relaxed. Don't forget the tissues, because some of these will make you weep or cry with laughter.


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