
Thursday, April 25, 2019

Dad, This is What Mom Really Wants for Mother's Day

This title seems pretty bold. I'll admit that I can't speak for all moms, but as a mom, myself, I have a pretty good idea what I'd like, plus, it helps that I also asked other mom's what they wanted and the answers were very similar.

Let's face it, Dads... Some of you are really great at helping the kids pick out something for mom. Really, you're awesome at it.

Others of you, might decide that mom wants a candle or another piece of beautiful jewelry, which, ok, who wouldn't accept something so beautiful, but there are some things that mom would enjoy possibly more than all of those and this is what other mom's said:

Gifts that Moms Want

1. Sleep- Unless your mom was blessed with the world's best sleepers, she really just wants the chance to get some extra sleep. However, no matter how hard she'll try, if there are young kids around, she'll probably wake up or toss and turn because of all the crashing and screaming that kids seem to love to do at 7:00 AM. Maybe get her a white noise machine to drown out the noise.

I have this one from Acutee in black and the rain setting gave me the best night sleep ever. 
2. To NOT Cook- I don't mind cooking meals for people, sometimes, but I hate cooking all of the time. Sometimes, I'll sit in my chair and inwardly (sometimes outwardly, too depending on my desperation to not move) cry because I just have no motivation to do it and those are the days when I just throw in chicken nuggets or hot dogs. (Real healthy, right?)

So what can you do for mom? Well, you can make her breakfast in bed! I've never been served breakfast in bed before and that's something that I think I would enjoy.

If you don't have one already, this breakfast in bed tray can be used for breakfast or even for working in bed or just for those late night snacks. 

Of course, it's always better if you can cook. Runny eggs will make me gag and I really would prefer not to combine my cereal with orange juice, so if you can't pick up a cookbook and practice!

This cookbook is also free if you have Kindle Unlimited.

My favorite way to not cook, though is when I get the chance to order out food.

3. Handmade Gifts- My parents still have a fish vase that I made in my ceramics class. It's really just the silliest thing, but they love it and have kept it. We moms love to see the things our kids make for us, even the adult children.

My favorite thing to use for crafts is construction paper. It's easy to use and if you mess up, there is usually another piece of paper that's the same color in there for you to try again.

You also couldn't go wrong with modeling clay

You can easily make your creations and if you use the kind that air dries, you don't have to worry about baking it if you have younger kids.

What about making jewelry or key chains with beads?

Ok, it could make a mess, but mom's enjoy homemade jewelry. 

Then there is just the regular ol' coloring/painting/marker-ing? that you can do on plain paper. Fold some sheets together and staple down the middle and your child could make a book just for mom.

4. Relaxing Day- You could send mom off to a spa or run her a bubble bath with floating candles and bath bombs.

Or you could let have the remote control for the day. I know that I usually find myself  watching shows that everyone else wants to watch, but you know, I could watch something too!

5. To NOT Clean- It would be wonderful to have a day where I didn't have to clean or worry about needing to clean. If I'm honest with myself, there are days when I don't clean, but those are also days where I know that there will be a bigger mess to clean the next day.

Moms everywhere, except those with OCD, would love to see that someone else has loaded the dishwasher or moved the laundry around. What if someone else actually put the basket of clothes that's been sitting in a corner, away? That would be awesome!

6. Spend Time with Their Family- Mother's Day wouldn't be possible without those little beings that she created. Having a day when there are no games to go to or things to do and spending quality time together can be magical and relaxing in itself. 

If you're worried about what to do, put in a movie that everyone likes and watch it together. Go out to eat or order in just do something together. 


There are many thing that you can do for mom on Mother's Day. Making an effort to say, "Hey Mom! I love you! Thanks you for making me and being my mom. Happy Mother's Day!" can go a long way. 

Some of us, don't even care about the gifts, we just want a special day with our family, with no arguing or being asked to open up fruit snacks. We'd like a day where we feel appreciated and not overlooked. 

Mom's, what do you think about this list?


  1. Oh yeah, I am all about sleep. I told my family I'm good with books and chocolate. I'm pretty easy!

  2. To not clean is what I want. A great meal would be good too.

  3. Amazing gift selection here, this is amazing! I will need to buy something soon, this is great. Thanks a lot.

  4. I've been thinking of what to give my mom this coming Mother's Day and I think I'll go with the breakfast in bed and the relaxing day. Thanks for sharing this!

  5. yes for the sleep and chocolates! but my number one would be a massage spa!

    1. For as awesome as the massages I've had in the past have been, I don't like people touching me. haha. However, I do see the awesome appeal.

  6. I am definitely taking notes. This would make someone's day for sure!

  7. I could definitely do with some more sleep, and handmade gifts.

  8. These all sound like wonderful gifts! I think my mom would just like for my dad to not bug her for a whole day lol.

    1. I'm sure my mom would love that too! My dad behaves like a toddler most days. haha

  9. These are all great gifts to consider. Sometimes you have to be keen in researching which products/gifts you'll give someone. I've taken note of it.

    1. Every person is definitely different and what works for some moms may not work for others.

  10. My hubby always give me a space for extra sleep and I am really thankful to him for that.

  11. Handmade gifts are the best and I agree some extra sleep and not having to cook anything or step into the kitchen a gift card to the spa or for a mani/ pedi would be awesome as well :)

  12. I'm not a mom, but I definitely relate with number 2 lol. Sometimes we don't want to know about the mess in the kitchen hahaha My mom always says that kitchen supplies as a present is more of a work than a present hahahaha Great ideas btw<3

    Candace H.

  13. Oh yes, all new mothers keep complaining about sleep. They should get enough of sleep and relaxing day.

    1. New mothers, old mothers, we moms just want/need sleep. Even if we get regular sleep, sometimes are days are just so physically/emotionally exhausting, we just need to relax.

  14. Yaaas! Mom wants to relax and feel pampered all the way! The bath bombs and relaxing scents would do just perfectly!

    1. I wonder if I could convince my husband to get a bigger tub... One with jets!

  15. Such a great gift selection... I was looking for some of these for my mom... M sure she would love it 😊👍🏼

  16. I hope she'll love whatever you decide. :)

  17. Hahha I am not a mom and I want these too. I have the sea salt bath soak and it is wonderful! Put on some relaxing music and you have a great ambiance.

    Xo Andie

    1. I like to sing in the shower and the bath tub and after, my kids make fun of me. haha.

  18. The best Mother's Day gift (actually it was her birthday, but we've done it on Mother's day too) that I've ever given was a surprise spa trip for her with her three daughters (our brother came to meet us for lunch, but declined a spa day, hah).

    Helen | newegg 10 off

    1. That sounds like a lot of fun and very relaxing!

  19. YES on the sleep, PLEASE NO on a handmade mess. I'm so out of room for more art projects....My shelves are already overflowing

    1. I totally understand that. I'll hang up a picture from each child on the fridge until the next one from them is given to me. After that, depending on my sentimentality, I'll either chuck it or it gets placed in a special binder or art bin where it stays for the rest of eternity. Everything else goes into the bin for the kids to take when they're older or "accidentally" misplaced.


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