
Sunday, August 11, 2019

A Life Such as Heaven Intended- Book Review

About the Book

Brigid, a young woman who finds herself having to make a life decision that she isn't sure she wants. Her father gives her two choices: get married or become a nun. During a time of war, she realizes that her choice in a husband is sparse so she has a difficult decision to make.

Her father gives her a time limit to make her decision when he leaves on a work trip, putting Brigid in charge of the household in his absence.

To her chagrin, she's thrust into a predicament when she's out one morning and discovers an injured soldier passed out against her house. Bringing him in to the house to care for him could ruin her reputation, but turning away a man in blue could bring embarrassment to her father who is working for the Southern government.

This one decision could change her fate and she has to decide quickly or risked being seen by one of the servants or by one of her family members and have her virtue sullied anyways.

Dominick wakes up in a hazy stupor, not sure of where he is or even who he is. The angel in front of him appears to be real, but without his memory, he's unaware of whether she's friend or foe.

Based on the clothes that he's in and the injury that he sustained, they both deduce that he's a soldier, however he doesn't know why he's turned up on her doorstep. The sooner he can remember why, the better for both of them.

Will Brigid let him in or will she turn him away?

Will Dominick's memory return before he's trust back onto the battlefield without his senses?

You'll have to read the book to find out!

My Thoughts on This Book

After reading the first book, I couldn't wait to read this one.

I was excited to see characters from the first story being reintroduced so we could find out more about them.

Amanda does a great job writing about the Civil War era. While the first book looks more into the war, I was surprised to read more about the slavery and hardships that happened during that time.

While I know what happened from history classes, this telling put it into better perspective for me. This book was historical, emotional, and interesting from start to finish and I really, truly, enjoyed it.

You can enjoy it now, if you have Kindle Unlimited.

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