
Monday, August 12, 2019

Such as Heaven Intended Book Series

If you're looking for a good book series to read, look no further.

The books in the Such as Heaven Intended series by Amanda Lauer are Christian historical romances taking place during the Civil War era, each focusing on different aspects that happened during that time.

A World Such as Heaven Intended

The first book, A World Such as Heaven Intended features Amara and Nathan. Amara wants to do something more to help with the war efforts than just working at her father's shop. During this time, becoming a nurse was something that only old maids and plain women did, so it was an unusual that someone so youthful would want to sit at the side of soldier's beds to give them comfort and hope.

Nathan wanted a quiet life, but the war changed it all. We get our first glimpse of what it's like to be a soldier during this time and getting drafted to a side that you don't want to be on. Nathan has to make some choices that may not be in his favor, but it's what his heart tells him to do.

A Life Such As Heaven Intended

I was so excited to see some previously mentioned characters in this book!

Brigid is timid. Given the option- to get married or become a nun, Brigid has a choice to make. With so many men off to war, the choices for a husband are few, so becoming a nun, may be in her best interest. 

Dominick, on the other hand, has no recollection of who he is or where he is. Having lost his memory due to a head injury, he has some pieces of a puzzle to put together. 

There is so much more to this story. While the first book gives us a glimpse inside the hospitals, this book gives us insight on the process of becoming a nun and also a glimpse of the underground railroad during a time when the rules of society didn't make sense.

A Love Such as Heaven Intended

In book three, Josephine is accustomed to living an extravagant life. Being the youngest and the only girl, she gets almost everything she wants. When her father turns down her newest hobby, she cleverly finds a way to work around it.

Michael is a prisoner of war. Because of his higher rank, he gets placed into one of the better prisons where he waits for either the end of the war or for him to get traded for union soldiers and sent back to his regiment.

In this book, we learn more about the first feminists and the hardships of being a woman during a time when they had little rights.  We also learn more about war tactics and how the prison system worked during the war.

My Thoughts About These Books

I was given these books in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts are my own.

I really enjoyed reading every book. Each story line was intriguing and every one of them was different. 

It's hard to imagine that someone would be able to fall in love during such a difficult time, but perhaps that made love even more endearing and more valuable and precious. 

The way that this story was written was easy to read and I learned more about the this time period than I did when I learned my U.S. history in school, probably because I was disinterested and didn't pay attention in class as the teacher droned on about it with their monotone voice. 

Every story had me hooked from the very beginning and once I started them, I didn't want to put them down. 


There's some good news! I got an extra copy of each book to giveaway. You can enter the contest on my Facebook page at Figuringitout101 or click "See More" below for the chance to win.

If you're impatient and want to read them right away, they are available on Amazon Kindle Unlimited for free or at a very low price.

Or, if you're like me and prefer to read with a physical copy, you can order from here!

1 comment:

  1. I guess, these book covers are one of the most beautiful, I have ever seen. I don't know, whether they are interesting or not, but, I would definitely like to have them on my bookshelf.


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