
Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Lasagna Frittas

I first discovered lasagna frittas when my husband and I were celebrating an anniversary or was it a birthday? Well whatever it was, we were celebrating something, so we decided to splurge and order an appetizer tray and we both fell in love the frittas so much, I had to find a recipe to try it myself. 

But, enough about me! I know that what you really want is the recipe that I've adapted over time and it's super easy to make too!


Frittas Filling

8 oz Parmesan Cheese/Romano
Ricotta Cheese
16 oz bag of shredded Mozzarella cheese
Tbsp Basil
Tbsp Oregano
Tbsp Garlic Salt


Lasagna Noodles
Italian Seasoned Bread Crumbs
3 eggs-beaten

White Sauce

8 oz Cream Cheese
8 oz Parmesan Cheese
2 cups milk

Marinara Sauce


1. The first thing you need to do is to cook the lasagna noodles per the instructions on the box. 
2. While the noodles are cooking, mix together the Ricotta, Mozzarella, Parmesan/Romano cheese, and the spices together in another bowl.
3. Once the noodles are softened, drain the hot water and run cool water over the noodles to cool them off.
4. Line a large pan with aluminum foil. Take a strip of noodle, lay it across the pan and then add the filling down the length of the noodle. 

5. Fold either end over a 1/4 of the noodle, then fold it again until the fritta is rolled. (see pictures below)

6. Repeat until you've used all your noodles or until the filling has run out.
7. Freeze them for at least a half hour. This step helps the fritta not to fall apart when doing the next steps.
8. Once frittas are taken out of the freezer, preheat the oven to 400.
9. Dip each side of fritta in the eggs and then roll them in the bread crumbs.

10. Once all frittas are coated, place in the oven for 20 minutes or until the start to brown.

 White Sauce

1. While the frittas bake, cut the cream cheese block into smaller blocks and add to a large sauce pan. Then pour milk and whole container of Parmesan cheese. Stir on medium to high heat until the sauce is smooth.
2. Serve with frittas!

You can either pour on top of the frittas or you can dip them. My family and I like to put it in a small bowl with marinara sauce and dip them.


Whether you are a huge cheese lover or love to eat carbs, this dish can be the perfect dish for dinner or fun to share as an appetizer.

The easiest way for to make these is to bake them, but they're just as tasty if you fry them, but it may take longer if you don't have a large enough pan or fryer.

P.S. You can also freeze them until you want to cook them. You can either wait to coat them with the Italian seasoning or freeze them again after. Just pull them out to cook them when ready.

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