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Monday, July 27, 2020

Great Planner for Kids With ADHD

When I was growing up, I spent a lot of my time in school socializing and getting distracted by anything that seemed more interesting than what was on the chalk board. I got okayish grades because I tested very well, but I was very bad at getting my homework done, mainly because I would forget that I even had it. Had I been able to remember it, perhaps I would have been a straight A student. 

When I was in college, I thought things would get better. I knew I was smart and a hard worker, but if someone were to observe me, they'd probably think I was lazy and a procrastinator. I would come to class, eager to learn more about a subject at hand, only to be disappointed because my other classmates would be turning in an assignment that I had completely forgot about.

About Me

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Hello! My name is Brittany and I'm a writer, obviously. As a stay-at-home mom, there are many things that I have to figure out in order to run a house that appears to be more sane than insane. It's not easy to be a parent and I hope that this blog is able to encourage other moms out there to live life happily and to understand that there can be mishaps along the way, but those mishaps don't define you and anything can be overcome with perseverance and will.

How to Listen So Your Kids Will Talk- A Book Review

I didn't like reading this book... but I like the book.    I know that may sound bizarre or weird, most definitely confusing.  You see, ...